Our Vision

To establish a credible, independent fact-checking institution focused specifically on economic claims and narratives, ensuring that public discourse on economic matters is grounded in accurate data and sound economic principles.

Our Mission

  • To identify and verify economic claims circulating in media and public discourse
  • To provide timely, accurate, and accessible analysis of economic data and trends
  • To serve as a trusted source for policymakers, media, and the public on economic matters

Our Methodology

Our fact-checking process follows a rigorous methodology:

  1. Claim Identification: We actively monitor economic claims across social media, news outlets, and policy announcements.
  2. Data Collection: Our team gathers data from authoritative sources, including government databases, academic research, and recognized economic institutions.
  3. Analysis: Experienced researchers and economists conduct thorough analysis using statistical tools and economic principles.
  4. Verification: Findings undergo peer review by our advisory board of leading economists and professors.
  5. Publication: Results are published in clear, accessible language with supporting data visualizations.

Fact-Checking Process

We categorize financial claims based on credibility and impact:

  • Unverifiable – Insufficient data to confirm accuracy.
  • True – Verified with strong evidence.
  • Mostly True – Correct but missing minor details.
  • Misleading – Contains elements of truth but distorts key facts.
  • False – Unsupported or fabricated claims.