What is ETI?
The Economic Truth Initiative (ETI) is an independent fact-checking institution dedicated to verifying economic claims and promoting accurate economic discourse in India.
How does ETI ensure objectivity?
We maintain independence through our Section 8 company structure and rely on data-driven analysis. Our work is overseen by leading professors from top-ranked institutes, ensuring rigorous academic standards.
What types of claims does ETI verify?
We focus on economic claims including statistics, policy impacts, market trends, and economic indicators that appear in media, social platforms, and public discourse.
How often does ETI publish reports?
We publish monthly Economic Fact-Check Bulletins and Media Watch Reports, along with quarterly Comprehensive Economic Truth Reports and Economic Literacy Series.
How can I access ETI’s findings?
All our reports and fact-checks are freely available on our website. We also actively share our findings through social media channels and regular newsletters.